★ 3大生产基地,总占地面积约22万㎡,1000多名员工
★ 一条龙生产原材料、水染纱、色纺纱、包覆纱等
★ 完善细致的质检管理对每个生产环节均有严格检测流程和数据记录
★ 研发团队为各行业客户提供纱线解决方案
★ 国内纱线产品范畴最广泛的厂家之一
★ 高质量+高性价的产品
★ 纱线可定制
★ 有效提高客户的生产效率
★ 大程度降低客户的生产成本
★ 帮助减少客户的次品率
★ 准时交货
★ 售后服务
★ 在客户机器上的质量体现:断线率低、生产效率高、可纺性好等
★ 产品颜色把控:对色准确度、颜色均匀度、洗水牢度、汗渍牢度、摩擦牢度、升华牢度等
★ 客户的成品:品质耐用、外观好、不起波、手感好、无结头、无跳针等
★ 其他重要方面:含油量、含水量、了解客户产品并提供最优纱线方案
★ 欧盟环保认证I 等级(母婴级别)
★ ISO 9001
★ 中国缝纫线制造商十大品牌
★ 中国色纱行业十佳品牌
Our most frequently asked questions
How soon I can get a price quote?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
What is the minimum quantity I can order?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
Do you offer product mock before actual production?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
Can i customize my packaging?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
What methods do you adopt to keep an endure printing quality that stays unremittingly?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
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